By Julia Weaver
A very funny mime, showing (very loosely) how Jesus took on the sins of the world, by being one man in a Doctor's surgery taking all the ills of the patients.
Patient (male),
Person with cough,
Person with sneeze,
Person with itch,
Person with nervous tic,
Pregnant lady.
We see a chair for receptionist, just off-centre. Two chairs, centre, facing audience. Receptionist is sat on a chair, just off centre. Typing/filing nails/chatting on phone…
In walks patient. Receptionist politely directs him to chair, centre stage. Patient sits down.
In walks person with cough. Heavily exaggerated. Coughs all over receptionist. She looks disgusted, shoos him away to a chair. Sits next to male patient, still coughing. Male patient starts coughing. Person with cough slowly realises their cough has gone. Looks at man, puzzled, looks at audience, back at man. Stands up, happy and amazed, waves goodbye to receptionist and leaves.
In walks person with sneeze, same routine. Male patient coughs, sneezes, continuously.
In walks patient with itch. Same routine. Male patient is now continuously coughing, sneezing and itching.
In walks patient with nervous tic. Same routine. Patient is now coughing, sneezing, itching and has a nervous tic.
In walks pregnant lady. Beaming, pats her tummy and looks at audience, radiant. Receptionist sees her, gives a wave and a huge smile. Pregnant lady waves back. Then male patient notices her. Looks at her and, horrified, looks at audience. Runs out with a scream.
Script posted by Julia Wheeler. If you use it, please let me know on Happy sharing the message of Jesus!