Happy Thanksgiving

By Joanne Miller


A daughter and her husband are preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving with her parents.  The daughter has also invited her Uncle Charlie, her mother’s brother.  Her mother is not aware of this invitation.  The mother and her brother have not spoken for 7 years.  The daughter is hoping to bring about a reconciliation, however she has been unable to reach her uncle by phone to confirm that he will come.  The parents arrive and the daughter reveals that she wants to do something the family used to do.  Each person draws a name of someone else who is present and says something nice about that person.  Just as they are about to begin the doorbell rings and Uncle Charlie arrives.  There is a reconciliation, and then they all draw names again.


Mary – married daughter
Ron  - Mary’s husband 
Judy – Mary’s mother
Dave – Mary’s father
Charlie – Judy’s brother and Mary’s uncle


(Scene opens with Mary on the phone but talking to Ron who is in the room.)

Mary: It’s still just ringing.  I can’t understand it.  I’ve tried for 5 days now to call him.

Ron: Mary, why don’t you just forget it?  You’ve done all you can do.

Mary: (hangs up phone) I guess you’re right.  I really don’t know what else to do.  I sent him an invitation with a note.  I’ve tried and tried to call him but I’ve never gotten an answer.  Do you think I have the right phone number?

Ron: I’m sure you do.  You’ve checked with information 3 times already.  Now listen, honey, it was a nice idea but it just didn’t work out.  Let’s have a good Thanksgiving with your folks.  OK?

Mary: OK.  I just wanted to get them together.  After all, 7 years of not speaking to your own brother is just far too long.

Ron: I agree, but your mother is the one who should be doing something about it, or your Uncle Charlie, not you.

Mary: I know.  It’s just that they’re both so stubborn.  I figured if I could get them in the same room they’d make up.

Ron: Maybe they wouldn’t, though.  Maybe it’s all for the best that you couldn’t reach Uncle Charlie.

Mary: Maybe.  (Doorbell rings and Mary goes to the door)

Judy: Hi, Mary.  Happy Thanksgiving.  (Mary, Ron, Judy and Dave exchange greetings)

Ron: Oh, wow, look at that pie!  I’ll take that and put it in the kitchen.  It’s still warm and it smells delicious.

Judy: I hope it tastes delicious.
Dave: Talk about delicious.  I can smell that turkey.  That smells wonderful too.  I hope it’s not too long until dinnertime.  I’m starving!

Mary: It shouldn’t be too long, Dad.

Judy: Now, honey, don’t pay any attention to your dad.  You know he can wait.

Dave: I’ve been waiting since last Thanksgiving!  And then the smell of that pie in the car as we drove over here was torture.  I wanted to stop and eat it on the way, but your mother wouldn’t let me.

Mary: I’m glad for that.  I want some of it too!

(Ron returns from the kitchen.)

Ron: Can I get something for you to drink?  Coffee, soda?

Judy: Not for me thanks.  I’m saving my appetite for dinner.

Dave: Mary says it won’t be long, so I’ll wait too.

Mary: As a matter of fact everything is ready, but I wanted to do something before we ate.

Judy: What’s that, sweetheart?

Mary: Mom, do you remember when Brian and I were little and we used to do the “names”?

Judy: Of course I do.  Is that what you want to do now?

Ron: The “names”?  What are you talking about?

Mary: When we were little, just before we ate Mom would put all of our names in a bowl and we’d each draw one.  If you got your own everyone had to put them all back and draw again until each of us had a name that was not our own.

Ron: Then what?

Dave: Then we each had to say something nice about the person whose name we had drawn.  It really got interesting when Brian or Mary got each other’s.  It can be hard to say something nice about your brother or sister when you’re little.

Judy: So you want to do that now, Mary?

Mary: Yes. (She brings a bowl with 4 slips of paper in it and they all draw one.)
Judy:  Who wants to go first? (Doorbell rings and Mary answers it)

Mary: Uncle Charlie!  You came!  Happy Thanksgiving! (She hugs him and draws him into the room)

Charlie: Happy Thanksgiving, Mary.  Happy Thanksgiving, Ron. (Shakes Ron’s hand)  Happy Thanksgiving, Dave. (Shakes Dave’s hand) (They should all take a bit of time to greet each other with Judy staying distant from the rest of them and finally Charlie approaches Judy)  Happy Thanksgiving, Judy. (He’s not sure what to do with Judy.  He can’t shake her hand but is afraid to try to hug her.)

Judy:  Hello Charlie.  It’s been a long time.

Charlie: Yes, it has.  It’s been too long, Judy.

Judy: I believe you’re right Charlie. (They embrace, tentatively at first then with feeling.)

Charlie: I’m sorry, Judy.

Judy:  I’m sorry too, Charlie.  Happy Thanksgiving.

Mary: Uncle Charlie, sit down right here.  Ok, everyone has to give the names back.  I have another one right here.

Charlie: Are we doing what I think we’re doing?

Judy: Yes, Charlie.  You pick a name and then you have to say something nice about the person whose name you have.

Charlie: I remember this.  We used to do this as kids.

Judy:  Yes, and then my kids did it as children.  (Everyone picks a name)

Mary:  Who wants to go first?

Ron: I will.  I got your name Mary.  I just want to thank you for being the best wife a guy could ask for.  You’re such a kind and caring person.  I must admit I wasn’t too sure about this idea of a surprise reconciliation attempt but it was sheer genius, and I’m glad you didn’t listen to me.

Mary: Thanks, honey.  Dad, I got your name.  Thanks for being the kind of dad a girl can always look up to and admire.  I’m very proud of you.

Dave: Thanks, Sweetheart.  Ron, I got your name.  I’d just like to say that I wasn’t too sure you were good enough for my daughter but you’ve proven yourself by making her very happy, and I’m glad to have you in the family.

Ron:  Thanks, Dad.

Charlie: I guess you all know that I drew Judy’s name.  I just want to say that for 7 years I’ve been foolish enough to let a little quarrel keep me from the most wonderful sister a little brother ever had.  If I could go back and change that I would but I can’t, so I make a solemn pledge right here and now to never be so foolish again.  Judy, I remember all the little things you did for me when we were kids.  You used to tie my sneakers, and wipe my nose, and protect me from Butch, the neighborhood bully.  I remember the day I forgot my lunch and you shared yours with me at school.  I love you, Judy.

Judy: I love you too, Charlie.  I’ve missed you so much and all your funny little jokes that can just lift me out of a funk.  I’m so glad you came today and I, too, pledge to never let a misunderstanding come between us again.  Thank you, Mary, for giving me back my little brother.

Dave:  Can we eat now?

Copyright John & Joanne Miller, all rights reserved.
This script may be performed free of charge, provided no charge is made for entrance or for programmes. In return, the authors would like to be notified of any performance. For further information regarding performance rights, they may be contacted at: NIJWMiller@aol.com.