Ny Mike Blumhorst
A modern-day businessman realizes that he is responsible for the death of Jesus.
Luke 22:54-62
Narrator: speaking part only
Jesus & Two Soldiers: acting only
Announcer: speaking part only
(Focus on reader at lecturn)
Good Evening. I'm happy to have this opportunity to talk to you because there's something I need to get off my chest. This whole Lent thing has really got me down. We gather together to worship our God and what do we do--we put on sackcloths and spread ashes on our forehead. You know, I was in a really good mood until I came to church tonight. Today at work, I closed a deal, I started a new project, and I even talked to a co-worker about religion--a pretty good day by anyone's standards. But then I came to church and had to be repentant--after the day I had! I just want to be happy. I mean, I just don't get it. We only spend 12 days celebrating Jesus' birth, but we spend 40 days feeling guilty for his death. Maybe we should switch those numbers around. You know, the secular world must look at us and shake their heads. We claim to worship an Almightly and All-loving God, but we sure do spend alot of time hanging our heads. Why do we have to feel so guilty?
(Jesus enters from the rear flanked by two soldiers. The soldiers lead him to the front of the church and then exit to the side. A brief narration - e.g. Isaiah's prophesy - concludes with a sentence of death. The soldiers return dressed in modern-day business clothes. As the cross is placed on his shoulders, and he is led away, the reader resumes.)
After all, it wasn't me who put him to death. It wasn't me who betrayed him for 30 pieces of silver. It wasn't me who brought false charges against him. I didn't deny him in the courtyard. Pilate condemned him to death, not me, and the soldiers made him carry that heavy cross. Just so that we're perfectly clear on this, I didn't do it.
That's not to say I'm perfect, I'm not, but I would never do anything like that. OK, maybe last year I did fudge my income tax return a little bit but that didn't hurt anybody.
And sure, I've participated in the break room gossip sessions at work, but that's just fun. We don't mean any harm.
And when my buddies used profanity on the golf course, on Sunday morning, I joined in because it was the thing to do. But, I tell you, I did not kill the man.
(A rooster crows, and the reader's tone changes from denial to guilt. As the reader continues, the focus shifts to the cross.)
Forgive me, Father, for I know not what I do. For my pride and ego. (hammer)
For my lust of power and money. (hammer)
For my impatience with my family, my friends, and with you. (hammer)
For my hurting words, immoral thoughts, and disrespect for other's possessions. (hammer)
For my jealousy of those who have more than I. (hammer)
For all those sins I do not even realize I commit. Forgive me. (hammer)
Voice: It is finished.
© Copyright Mike Blumhorst.
All rights reserved
This play may be performed free of charge, on the condition that copies are not sold for profit in any medium, nor any entrance fee charged.
In exchange for free performance, the author would appreciate being notified of when and for what purpose the play is performed.
He may be contacted at: blumhors@eplbas.com